Wolfgart Sucks.

what it is, what it is... | moving pictures and what have you | some old bullshit | smokin' hot links


Bryan is in Hawaii, im stuck here doing absolute shit. the last day of bryans life (friday) was pretty damn awesome. bryan is a master of singing. you all can step back, nig. yawn, wolfgart sucks so hard...

Dude! Theres a Forum Below!

Dude! Theres a forum right above!!!!


Wolfgart studios makes pretty much nothing and really never finishes anything that they say that they are going to complete. Due to this work ethic, we are the worst company in the world, but then again, there are companies out there like enron, that were big, but i never heard of them, and hey, like you guys know us and were just this little company that dosent do anything. So HA!. Wolfgart is better than enron, and we wont steal your money. We promise.
If anybody has an idea for a cartoon, please go straight to the message boards and post the idea, enter the subject as [MOVIE IDEA], we will look into it at once. Thank you.
                                                                                                               Team Wolfgart


Wolfgart in the finest of clothing.
